20 Apr International Conference in Art and Education
On the 19th of April 2018 Transylvania College organised the International Conference in Art and Education, in partnership with Gheorghe Dima Music Academy.
The event took place as part of the National Conference with International Participation – EDUCATION BETWEEN TRADITION AND MODERNITY.
Our music teacher, Miss Anamaria Eli, held music demonstration lessons with class Year 3, on the following topic:
Ocarina workshop – Ed. Grieg- In the hall of the mountain king from Peer Gynt.
The aim of these lessons was to achieve objectives of multidisciplinary research in the fields of education sciences, communication sciences, psychology and sociology.
It was an honour to have Mrs Univ. Lect. Ursula Levens, from Carl von Ossietzky University, Oldenburg, Germany as a guest. She held music demonstration lessons for our students from Year 6.
Her lessons focused on the following topic: Aspects of Communication I – Learning a German Folk Song, and Learning a German Rhythmical.
You can find pictures from the lessons here.
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