07 Apr ASTRONAUT CAMP Training at EuroSpace Center in Belgium
Between the 29th of March and 4th of April 2018, a group of 37 students from middle school and high school experimented the life of an astronaut in the ASTRONAUT CAMP Training at EuroSpace Center in Belgium. They were coordinated by Miss Dorina Girbovan and Miss Manuela Ioia and benefited by the support of Mister Mihai Zoican.
During their stay, they took part in a space shuttle mission with all of the actual procedures involved: lift-off, orbiting, satellite launch, docking with the Space Station, re-entry into the atmosphere and landing, while attending, of course, the mission briefings. They also worked on simulators to stay in top physical condition: multi-axis chair, moonwalk, rotating chair, shuttle arms and zero-gravity wall.
The students learned to build and launch their own rocket and they updated and refined their knowledge of the Sun and its planets while in the Planetarium. In the same time, they took part in experiments in the space shuttle hold and in “Live and Work in Space” exhibits.
They were trained full-time for 7 hours a day by professional Space Camp trainers and supervised by their teachers, while discovered the great moments of space conquest.
A couple of impressions before we returned to Cluj: “Can we do it again?”, “This was the best experience in my life”, “This is the best camp ever”, “I learned so much”.
The Space Camp trainers evaluate our Transylvania College group as one of their best, with really good English, strong knowledge of Science and Astronomy and with one of the best questions asked.
Here are some pictures:
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