01 Jul Letters from Parents
On behalf of Mr. Paramjit Kang
”Revered Sir and Madams,
I’m Paramjit Kang, father of Bhuvanjit Kang, whose 08 weeks’ exchange program at your esteemed school from 06th May is concluding tomorrow (30th June 2016).
I wish I would have a chance to say a ‘THANK YOU’ in person to you all for offering this transformative opportunity to my ward Bhuvanjit. The past 08 weeks have provided with an incredibly positive outlook for his skillful future. He was able to acquire ample experience which he never imagined in just this short span of time.
Through school weeklies and series of phonic conversations with my ward, I adjudge that the Transylvania College is one of the best-managed schools in the Romania under your able guidance and dynamic leaderships. It operates in a very smooth and efficient manner that makes both the learners and faculty feel confident and comfortable in their positions. It is full of gifted teachers and staff who care with heart about the students and coworkers. That is about the best that can be asked of any school system. As a matter of thankfulness and great appreciation I would like to record the prominent strengths of your school as beneath:-
(a) Teacher & Staff Involvement – Teachers and staff demonstrate great devotion and engage themselves from the front; thus imbibe pupils the traits of to stay self-motivated, inspire others, listen and help, learn and grow.
(b) Leadership & Discipline – Teachers and staff react in the highest state of buoyancy and regimen; thus help the students to shape up positive thinking, habits and character, accept responsibilities, take self-discipline, work hard and well, set and achieve goals.
(c) Beyond Class Activities & Events – Extensive outdoor activities, social events and work experience programme conducted by the school foster positive attitude and teamwork, open up new opportunities and challenges; thus producing confident, responsible and realistic citizens.
(d) Interpersonal & Communication Skills – This is prominently apparent on face of school fraternity that they serve with smile, work beyond working hours, help in distress, care, show consideration, practice courtesy and sincerity thus coaching the students to remain cheerful, help and care others, choose words carefully, give appreciation and respect, keep commitments and build trust.
(e) Curriculum, Working Hours and Amenities – Career oriented educational program, studious operational hours with affable facilities prepare pupils for the future and turn them purposeful and life long warriors.
Therefore, I am proud that my ward Bhuvanjit has been a part of the Transylvania College. I am also sure that my ward’s brilliancy, acumen and zest will also leave pug marks at the Transylvania College.
Further, I would like to thank all teachers, staff and students for helping and looking after my ward Bhuvanjit at the Transylvania.
Moreover, I would also like to convey my special thanks to Ms. Cristina Chismore and Ms. Zsuzsa Magyary who have been extremely enthusiastic, supportive and noteworthy to my ward’s overall experience.
I thank you all once again for this wonderful opportunity; It will immensely benefit Bhuvanjit Kang; wherever his future life leads him.
My wife, Krishna joins me in sending our warm regards and best wishes to you and your families.
Yours Sincerely,
Paramjit Kang, LLM
(Ex-Airman, Indian Air Force)”
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